The first thing you want to do in order to start is to either start a web page which does cost or a blog which doesn't. Most hosting sites like and others charge for the the domain name which comes with at least a year of hosting. If you go that route most hosting sites or domain name providers come with free web site building software from a template. This is not the route I took. I went the freeway (get it? freeway). Anyway I went to GOOGLE'S BLOGGER.COM and followed the steps there. I already had a GOOGLE account so that made it easier and since GOOGLE ADSENSE will be changing requiring a GOOGLE ACCOUNT it makes sense to do so. Once that is done and you have your blog account click on the various buttons and tools and figure out how you want it to look. I don't have any advice on style as each person is different as you can see from my blog but I guess it shouldn't be to hideous. BTW I will accept any and all constructive criticism about my blog and look forward to having visitors.


Animations - pleasant island