Adsense Step By Step

Earn money from relevant ads on your website or blog. Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them.

1. Go to GOOGLE ACCOUNT and create an account if you don't already have one. This makes everything so much easier because Google, AdSense and Blogger are all the same company and when you are signed on at Google you are signed in on the rest.

2. Go to BLOGGER.COM and create an account and thus you will have a blog. Again, if you already have a website or blog this step is unnecessary however I suggest using BLOGGER because it is owned by Google and the tools inside Blogger are very useful for setting up Adsense which is also owned by Google.

3. After you have created your blog or at least have the blog account and URL, go to ADSENSE and apply for an account.

4. THIS IS IMPORTANT!! While you are waiting for your Adsense account to be approved (approx. 5 days) go to your blog and start writing. Your blog content is directly related to the type of ads that will appear on your blog. If you want to have ads about cars then of course don't write about how comfortable your underwear feel. As an example if you look at this blog it was approved with only 2 posts but I got the exact ads I was hoping for because of the content of my blog. Also Google web crawlers are always checking so keep the content to one subject or else you will get all types of different ads and your visitors may not like that thus not click on your ads. Once your Adsense account is approved you never have to apply again and you can create and I suggest that you do as many blogs as you like with Adsense ads on them as well.

5. Follow the rules found here (GOOGLE ADSENSE PROGRAM POLICIES)! If your account is closed by Google I have read that you can never get it back.

6. Tell everyone you meet about your blog and market it to the best of your ability. This is a business and can be very lucrative. Read as much as you can and do searches of high ranking sites and blogs that use Adsense and do what they do.

After you have been approved by Adsense send me an email which can be found at the bottom of this page with you blog URL, your name and a phone number (optional but highly suggested) so we can network. I will help bring visitors to your site and we can all get paid.


***** said...

Hi GrimeySwipe

I'm Arnold Guevarra a newbie to blogging.Please let me in your network. Here's my url: Please help me gain visitors and be an adsense success. Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

Hi swipe...
Your blogs not to bad it has been 127 visitor.That's good actually.But it is need takes time to increase a traffic indeed.

Keep a good works

Animations - pleasant island